

Weekend Reading — The truth behind open source

The truth behind Open Source apps

Design Objective

Designing design tools takes a look at the latest crop of design tools: Origami, Marvel, Sketch, Maccaw, and friends.

Redsgned is a showcase of the very best redesigns from across the web.

Behavior Design teaches you the basics of designing products that change people's behaviors.

This AI tells you if your website is too cluttered The science behind less pixels.

Tools of the Trade

Enable CORS will teach you about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. If you got a service that serves data publicly, please, please, learn about and add CORS support.

Nerdy Pontification Mealtime "Lunchtime talk to Groupon about npm present and future, and building websites in node."

Complete list of HTML meta tags

At.ja is inspired by Github auto-complete to work inside a contentEditable block.

Service Worker - first draft published Quick overview of Service Workers, what they do and how you could use them.

Viewporter and ResponsiveDesignTester will help you test your responsive designs.

textillate.js is a jQuery plugin for animating text.

BttrLazyLoading is a jQuery plugin for responsive and lazy image loading (only load image when scrolled into the viewport).

imagine.js Lightweight HTML5 Canvas Library.

Bootstrap 3 Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know Hover dropdowns, fluid container, labels for screen readers, responsive images, and more.

The magic of “overflow: hidden” How to use the curious behavior of overflow: hidden to your advantage.

Fast interactive prototyping II - Tricks of the trade More about using Sketch -> SVG -> d3.js for interactive prototypes.

Schiffer Ipsum:

This is an exciting breakthrough for the SEO community, but it will involve work in getting to become familiar with the topic and to figure out how to use it in our favor. This is what it means to be a 10x developer. You know what’s cooler than spending $99 on a license of Vim? Abstinence. We did it when they invented no-follow links, we can do it again.

Lines of Code

You Only Need 100 Lines of JavaScript Microservices and JavaScript. And you absolutely must watch this presentation. Great stuff.

ECMAScript 6’s new array methods Iterators, finders, fill, from and of.

Design Driven Tests: This is how I roll Always be pragmatic:

Sometimes, these tests are written in Ruby code. Sometimes, they're bash scripts that show the problem. Often it's a manual process. Consider that, even in 2014, you have to physically crash cars to get them certified as street legal. Testing doesn't always fit in a tidy, isolated box.


The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of meeting the schedule has been forgotten. —Karl Wiegers #devops #QA #agile


God, grant me the serenity to accept the yak shaves I cannot change, the courage to avoid the yaks I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


You can eliminate irreducible complexity - just fire everyone who understands it.
Now you have a simple black box.

9 to 5

Did Toyota fool the lean community for decades? What they didn't teach you about Kanban.


Working on my new book about productivity. It's called "The Four Coffee Hour"

Locked Doors

How to safely invoke Webhooks Make sure Webhooks can't be used to attack internal services.

Improving the URL bar How hiding portions of the address bar URL improves security. And, no, URLs are not going away.

Minimum Viable Block Chain A gentle introduction to the block chain protocol behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


It strikes me that Bitcoin is the universal bug bounty program. You find a 0-day bug, you can immediately collect Bitcoin rewards.

None of the Above

Spurious correlations Did you know that people who drowned after failling from a fishing boat, highly correlated with marriage rate in Kentucy?

Gifpop Printed cards from animated Gifs. Uses Lenticular printing.

code:deck Playing cards for developers. Also, DevOps Against Humanity:

DevOps Against Humanity

Randall Munroe: Comics that ask "what if?" A TED talk.

If FROZEN Was A Horror Movie I'd watch it.

A Porno by Wes Anderson Classic.

The Secret Messages Inside Chinese URLs The meaning behind URLs like

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